Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Today I got the very best Mother's Day gifts.  And I know today isn't about the presents, and I wasn't expecting any, to tell the truth.  But it turned out to be my favorite mothers day yet.  

Colten had burst into the kitchen just a couple days ago shouting "Momma we DIDN'T get you a card."  So i concluded that meant he DID get me card.  But he mentioned nothing else, so I figured Chris had stopped on the way home and picked up a card from Walgreens or somewhere for me from the kids.  

Well, Chris and Colten had fooled me.  They went on Friday to get haircuts, but they also got me my Mother's Day gifts.  Flowers and a Spa gift card. And those ROCK! But they didn't come close to being my favorite.  My favorite were the 2 hand-made cards my little ones (and Daddy) made for me.  I was completely surprised.  Every mom gets home-made cards from their kids.  But I have never gotten one.  Colten and Allie are just 3 and 2.  They are too little to make these things on their own.  They have made cards before, lots.  But always with MY help. For Daddy on Father's Day.  For Gigi on her birthday. For Nana and Papa or Ga and Pa for Grandparent's Day, for friend's on Valentines Day.  So, I never imagined I would get a home made card. It touched my heart. And these weren't some quick easy, scribbles on computer paper either.  Chris had helped the kids cut out heart and butterflies and glued them to the front.  Then on the inside had asked the kids what they wanted to tell me on Mother's Day.  Here is what they said:

  To: The Prettiest Mommy Ever
"Thank you for my turtle. You are soooo pretty." Love Allie

  To: The Best Mommy in The World
"I love you sooooo much. You are the best mommy ever." Love, Coco

When the kids ran up to me today with their home-made cards I immediately started crying. Then I read them and cried more. I was just so happy that I am one of those Mom's who gets home-made cards filled with words of love from her children.  And I was so impressed with Chris.  Because he put the time and effort into helping the kids make them for me.  I love that man. And I love those kids.  Glad I can call all 3 of them mine <3

Monday, May 7, 2012

Colten's imaginary horse.

The other day on a car ride Colten told me that when he got big, he was going to have a horse. And he was going to get to ride it.  This led to a conversation about the horse I had growing up, Bay Berry.  I used to ride him, and GrandBob would make me mow the grass and we would bag it up and feed it to my horse.  Colten listened to me talk about my horse and asked a few questions, but never really said any more about it.

Then a couple days ago he told me "Hey Momma, ya know my horse, Cherry-Berry?"  And I giggled thinking he was talking about my old horse and had just got the name mixed up.  So I said, "You mean Bay berry? Momma's horse?"
He quickly set me straight. "No BAY BERRY is yo horse. And CHEERY BERRY is MY horse.  My horse is fast and yo horse is slow."   And for the past week or so Colten has been going on and on about his horse, Cherry Berry.  Its really cute to listen to him talk about "his" horse and I've learned quite a lot about this imaginary animal.  Here are the known facts about Cherry Berry.

- He lives in the field across from our house.  We can't see him because he hides in the bushes. But Colten will sometimes shout when we are playing outside "Ohhhh I see his tail!!"  Colten told me that I will get to meet Cherry Berry when its winter time.

-Some days Cherry Berry is a girl horse.  Other days Cherry Berry is a boy horse.  Most days, he's a boy.

- Cherry Berry does NOT like bossy voices.  Sometimes Allie will go to the fence and holler "Cherwee Berwee!!!" And Colten will tell her "He doesn't like bossy voices so he can't hear you."  hahaha

-Cherry Berry looks brown but he has green and purple spots on him.  Colten says he looks like he's been painted.

-He is a good horse who likes to eat grass, hay and leaves.  And at night time he sleeps at the farm.

-One time when Colten was a little boy, he got to ride Cherry Berry.  But he doesn't get to ride him now.  But says he will ride him again very soon.

-Cherry Berry's best friend is NOT the neighbors.  Colten says he thinks his best friend is another horse, but he can't remember its name.

-Cherry Berry is fast. "weally, weally, fast." And he like good voices, birds and new friends.

-One time I asked Colten where Cherry Berry came from.  And his response was the only true thing  I believe about this whole story.... Colten told me "God made him. He really did."

Ahhh the sweet imagination of a 3 year old boy. Someone needs to talk to GrandBob about getting this boy a real horse!!