Happy Valentines Day everyone!
This day has gotten really fun since I've had kids. Its less about "Ooohhhh I hope Chris remembers and buys me something pretty!" And more about surprising the kids and making the day special as a family. (side note: I still like pretty things.)
Chris had SWAT practice so it was just the kids and I for most of the day. The day started off with breakfast. Heart pancakes, with frosting writing and syrup. Mmmm SUGAR! Then I gave the kids their gifts. They sat on the couch and closed their eyes "No peeking!" I said as I went to get their Valentines buckets of goodies. They loved their buckets, and more so the candy that was inside. Not as much the coloring book and sippy cup but DEFINIELY the candy! From 8-10am I let them go nuts. They ate and ate and ate candy. 10 was the cut off. It. Was. NOT. Pretty. 1st meltdown of the day. After their lunch they got to pick one more candy to have. "But that's it." 2nd meltdown of the day. Also, I tried to explain Vday to Colten, telling him that it was a day to tell your very favorite friend how much you love them. I then showed him a present I had got for him to give to some one. "Who is your favorite friend?" I asked him (I already knew who the answer was going to be and bought the gift with this sweet little girl in mind.) Kay-Kay!! I want to give Kay-Kay a present!! So we got in the car and drove to her house to leave his little gift he got her on the front door step as a surprise for her. Trying to train the kid. His future wife will thank me one day.
When Daddy came home he surprised all of us with gifts!! Colten got a big pack of gummy worms and Allison got the same gummies plus a single rose and I got a dozen roses, plus balloon and card. That made me tear up --- Chris also gave Allie a single rose and me a dozen roses on the day she was born, and it reminded me of that day <3 He also brought home steaks to grill, and is currently outside with the kiddos building a fire to grill them and some veggies!! And Im supposed to be working on a Chocolate Molten cake for dessert! Mmmm!!! Better get to it ;)
Breakfast |
No peeking!!! |
Only boy who has ever gotten her flowers |
Leaving his "Valentine" a surprise |
Colten's Valentines Day photo shoot with momm |
Allie's photo shoot with Momma |
Did anyone notice that Allie is wearing 3 different Valentines Day outfits? All from today! LOL