How? How has it been 3 years since I became a mommy? 3 years since Colten was born? I can't believe it!!! He is so big and he thinks he's even bigger. Coltens bday party isn't until the 17th but we had to do something special on his big day. Ever since we went to the State Aquarium this summer, Colten has talked about the dolphin show. So we told him we would take him to Sea World for his birthday. He was so excited!! We have been talking about Shamu all week and he was so happy this morning when I told him it was the day we get to go. He literally jumped up from his bed- tackled/hugged me and said "I want to get dressed!". So we were off to Sea World- Chris, Me, Colten and Allie! I was really excited about this trip. Grammie used to get us season passes for christmas as kids and we used to go with all the cousins. It was way different from when I was a kid.... I guess since I'm the adult paying for everything. Sea world sucks the money from your wallet!!! 114$ for 2 adult tickets. $15 to park! (whaaaaaat??) and you can't bring in any food or drinks. So 29$ for a pizza buffet lunch. Oh! And 8$ for a large coke. And to top it off they even get you to PAY to feed their animals. (genius!) 6$ for a tray of 4 small fish to feed the dolphins. But we had to feed the dolphins. Mainly, because I wanted to pet them :)
Now that my griping about what a greedy, money hungry, brat, Sea World is, is out of the way... Let me tell you we had a GREAT time! The weather was perfect! High of 90 with a cool breeze. Amazing! It's been topping out at 111 so this cool front was a lovely surprise. The kids had a blast. They "oohed" and "awed" at all the animal exhibits. They loved watching the shows. They ran around on the playgrounds and even rode a kiddie ride. And posed for pics with the shamu character!! Maybe we will make it a yearly trip on Coltens birthday.
Colten and me at the dolphin show

Chris and Allie watching Shamu!

And then Allie fell asleep...

Feeding and touching dolphins!!

After Sea World we went to Chilis for dinner. And then home to open presents. Colten got a big stuffed Shamu, a bubble football, puzzle and a new nerf gun. He also got a little tykes pick-up truck that even has a bed that Allie can sit in and Colten can drive them around. Of cours his favorite was the gun! And his target? Yep, mommy!

I'm slowly accepting the fact that my little baby is growing up. Colten is such the little blessing in our lives. I treasure every hug, kiss and wet willy I get from my little guy. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't praise God for giving me my Colten.
I love you Colten!!! Happy 3rd birthday!!!