Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm grateful for porch swings

The summer afternoon heat has finally died down. There is actually a light breeze blowing. And I have 2 little kids who are full of energy! Where would you find me??? On our front porch swing!!

When Chris and I were house hunting 4 years ago basically the only requirement I had was I wanted a large front porch. For one reason- I wanted a front porch swing. Well we bought a house, it had a porch, and thankfully my WONDERFUL bridesmaids gave us a front porch swing as our wedding present! Awesome, I know! So we hung it up and would swing in the afternoon... Just Chris and I. And I would dream of the days we would have a little one to rock to sleep on the front porch swing. Well after 3 1/2 months into our marriage we found we were on our way to fulfilling that dream!! I can remember sitting on that swing rocking my big ole belly and anxiously awaiting Colten's arrival. And sure enough, as soon as I was released from the hospital I told Chris. "When we get home the first thing I want to do is sit on our porch swing!" Thankfully my mom was there when we got home and she took a pic. Our first family pic at our house!!! It was the moment I had dreamt of for the past year.

And now??? Goin on 4 years later? Well our porch swing is still my favorite part of our house. I spend many evenings with a glass of wine sitting there; watching Colten and Allie run around the front yard. And if I'm especially lucky Chris is off and he is sitting next to me. Tonight was one of those nights. Allie was playing in the sandbox and Colten was watering the grass with the hose. (he LOVES to do this) And Chris and I were sitting side be side.

So when I'm counting my blessings tonight. I'm going to thank God for our front porch swing.


  1. Oh Sallie! That is a beautiful photo of you, Chris and baby Colten! I love your blog!

  2. i love this post! what a wonderful blessing!
