Four years ago on August 18, 2007 Chris and I became husband and wife. The. Best. Day. Ever. That day was absolutely perfect. I wish I could go back and relive it over and over again. In some ways these four years have flown by. Some days it seems like just yesterday we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii. But then in some ways it also seems like 10 years instead of four. Not in a bad way by any means, I think it has more to do of how much our life has changed since then. It was all about "us" four years ago. Just Chris & Sal. Spending all our time together, doing and going wherever we wanted. We started trying for Colten and got pregnant right away. Married in August- pregnant by November! And then our life changed in ways we never could have imagined. It wasn't just "us" anymore. We were parents. Chris wasn't just my husband anymore he was the father of my children. When I thought I couldn't love him anymore - my love for him multiplied. When I thought my life was good before - it became complete. We are very different people now then we were 4 years ago. Better, more loving, more patient and undserstanding people. We are parents! And we wouldn't trade where we are today for anything. That being said, the kiddos keep us busy! And Chris' work keeps him busy. So it's important for Chris and I to have just "us" time again. We are blessed that we have the same interests. We both love to hunt and fish. So, our marriage isn't just based on love but on an amazing friendship. He is seriously my very best friend. We love hangin out together.
So, for our 4th anniversary we dropped the kids off at Nans on Wednesday morning. We attended a seminar that day. "Emotional Survival for a Police Officer and their Families" Then we went out for dinner and drinks at Gruene River Grill and then met up with our friends Johnny and Ginger for some more drinks and dancing to Gabe Garcia at Freiheit. Chris and I love to country dance and don't do it nearly enough!! Then, the next morning we went to Wimberely to zipline!!! We ziplined in Hawaii and it was amazing. It was on a ranch that they filmed Jurassic Park on. There was 10 or so ziplines that ended you at a waterfall swimming hole. (PARADISE!). It was one of the highlights of our honeymoon. So since we obviously couldn't fly to Hawaii for the day we took the 45 min drive to Wimberely to re-enact something from our honeymoon. Was it the same as Hawaii??? No, not hardly. The ziplines were shorter, the scenery wasn't nearly as beautiful and there was no waterfall. But was it fun?? Yes! We had a blast. And one thing was the same. Chris and I were just as much in love on that day as we were 4 years ago. Many things have changed since then, but one thing never will - I will always be madly, head over heels, in love with my best friend.
Ziplining in Kaui Hawaii
Ziplining in Wimberely, Tx
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Flashing lights
We kinda have a nightly routine here around the Scott House. At 7:30pm Chris starts getting ready for work. The kids and I flock to him, knowing he's fixing to leave. We all gather in our master bedroom to "help" daddy get ready for work. I love this time. The kids and I wrestle on our bed. Chris tickles them in between putting on his duty belt. They hide from him under the covers. Colten will grab my iPhone and turn on his music so he can dance. The kid loves to bust a move! And Allie can shake her little booty too! (Chris is worried). Colten talks pretty much the whole time, asking daddy about this and that and helping him put on his keepers. Then at about 8:30 Chris heads out the door. Like clock work Colten yells, "Daddy! I want to see your lights!" then we head out to the front drive way to watch daddy leave. Chris loads up Hondo is the back of his Police Tahoe- only after we all pet him goodbye- and Chris kisses us goodnight I always have to end our goodbye with "BE SAFE!" and he HAS to say "I will." then he jumps in his tahoe and flips on the lights. The kids LOVE this part. Allie squeals with delight and claps her hands and Colten shouts "I want to see the back ones too" so Chris turns the car around, turns on the back lights and as he pulls out the driveway we all wave and holler "I love you Daddy!" I can't see Chris' face as he drives away, but I know he's smiling. It's gotta make him feel proud to have 2 little kids who think he's cooler than superman and a wife who think he's hung the moon.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
My date with a cute blonde boy
Today was Tuesday. One of my favorite days. Why? Because my Nan comes over and helps me with laundry and house cleaning. (yes, I'm spoiled) She also watches the kids so I can go to the grocery store. My Nan seriously is the best!! No one compares to her.
Anyways, so today I decided was going to be "Mommy and Colten Day". We were going to go to lunch and then to the store. I asked him if he wanted to go with me and he was eager to go! We snuck out of the house, Allie cries when I leave, and I told him he could pick lunch. He chose pizza. I was surprised. His answer is almost always "chicken nug-nugs". So we went to Johnny Carinos for a Mommy and Colten date. He was so excited that I was calling it our date. He kept telling me "Just Momma and Coco and nooooo Allison!" We have done "dates" before but this was the first time he really got the fact that it was a special thing just for him. So we sat in a booth, side by side, did some great coloring on the kids menu and ate our pizza! It was a great lunch with a great little boy.
Pic from our date!
Next stop- HEB. I was even going to a good mom and let him rode in the car cart, which I despise because the thing is so so so hard to push. But luckily some other moms had already been suckered into getting them and they were all in use! phew! So Colten said he wanted to walk. Yeah, a two year old walking thru the store sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. But I explained that as long as he stood by Momma and listened to me he could walk, one time of disobeying and he'd have to ride in the Cart. He did GREAT! And was even helpful. He loved throwing things in the Cart. So when we checked out I paid him in BuddyBucks. He got 2$ for being so good. He loves to get buddy bucks. He thinks it's some great game! And he always "wins" a sticker! Haha here he is playing the game. Look closely.. His toungue is sticking out. Gets that's from Daddy!! Any time Chris concentrates his toungue is out. Who would have thought that's hereditary?!?!
Then we came home, unloaded groceries and spent the rest of the day inside. It was 105 today at 6pm and the kids were begging to go outside. I had to think of something to keep them busy. First I let then play with dish soap and bubbles in the kitchen sink. They love to do that! But then I got creative!! Found a box in the garage and we made a racecar!!! The kids colored it with markers, we named it, gave it wheels and a steering wheel! Then momma pushed them in it up and down the hall as the squealed with delight. The Scottmobile is currently parked in the kitchen, but I'm sure I'll be giving more rides in it tomorrow!
Anyways, so today I decided was going to be "Mommy and Colten Day". We were going to go to lunch and then to the store. I asked him if he wanted to go with me and he was eager to go! We snuck out of the house, Allie cries when I leave, and I told him he could pick lunch. He chose pizza. I was surprised. His answer is almost always "chicken nug-nugs". So we went to Johnny Carinos for a Mommy and Colten date. He was so excited that I was calling it our date. He kept telling me "Just Momma and Coco and nooooo Allison!" We have done "dates" before but this was the first time he really got the fact that it was a special thing just for him. So we sat in a booth, side by side, did some great coloring on the kids menu and ate our pizza! It was a great lunch with a great little boy.
Pic from our date!
Next stop- HEB. I was even going to a good mom and let him rode in the car cart, which I despise because the thing is so so so hard to push. But luckily some other moms had already been suckered into getting them and they were all in use! phew! So Colten said he wanted to walk. Yeah, a two year old walking thru the store sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. But I explained that as long as he stood by Momma and listened to me he could walk, one time of disobeying and he'd have to ride in the Cart. He did GREAT! And was even helpful. He loved throwing things in the Cart. So when we checked out I paid him in BuddyBucks. He got 2$ for being so good. He loves to get buddy bucks. He thinks it's some great game! And he always "wins" a sticker! Haha here he is playing the game. Look closely.. His toungue is sticking out. Gets that's from Daddy!! Any time Chris concentrates his toungue is out. Who would have thought that's hereditary?!?!
Then we came home, unloaded groceries and spent the rest of the day inside. It was 105 today at 6pm and the kids were begging to go outside. I had to think of something to keep them busy. First I let then play with dish soap and bubbles in the kitchen sink. They love to do that! But then I got creative!! Found a box in the garage and we made a racecar!!! The kids colored it with markers, we named it, gave it wheels and a steering wheel! Then momma pushed them in it up and down the hall as the squealed with delight. The Scottmobile is currently parked in the kitchen, but I'm sure I'll be giving more rides in it tomorrow!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Our new kitchen!
So after living in our house for 4 years Chris and I finally updated our kitchen! Something I have been wanting to do for a while now and on a recent trip to Home Depot voiced my thought out loud to Chris. He was, surprisingly, all for it! I wanted the basics done. Paint the unfinished looking cabinets, new hardware, paint walls and new countertops. Chris said we could do all the work ourselves. Side note: A MAJOR thing I love about Chris- the man can basically fix or put together anything! Comes in handy! Any ways, so the kids got shipped off to Nana's and then Gigi's for 4 WHOLE days (I cried many times from missing them) and we were left to start our project. Let me tell you, I've never painted so much in my life. Cabinets are so time consuming to paint!!! And they had to be double coated and the inside of them were tricky to get coated evenly. Thankfully my dad and Rj came to help out a day.
Like most home improvement projects we went over budget and exceeded our time line. But, I have to say Chris and I work extremely well together. I joked with some girlfriends that this project would "make or break us" but really I knew we would actually enjoy the "us time". We flirted, laughed and worked our butts off! Chris and I have always been best friends so we enjoyed 4 full days of getting to hang out with each other. But.... When my babies came back I told Chris "it feels so good to be mommy again!" When all was said and done Chris asked if the new kitchen would make me cook more. Actually, after all the time and energy I spent remodeling the thing, I'd say I've done enough work in there for a while!!! ;)
Like most home improvement projects we went over budget and exceeded our time line. But, I have to say Chris and I work extremely well together. I joked with some girlfriends that this project would "make or break us" but really I knew we would actually enjoy the "us time". We flirted, laughed and worked our butts off! Chris and I have always been best friends so we enjoyed 4 full days of getting to hang out with each other. But.... When my babies came back I told Chris "it feels so good to be mommy again!" When all was said and done Chris asked if the new kitchen would make me cook more. Actually, after all the time and energy I spent remodeling the thing, I'd say I've done enough work in there for a while!!! ;)
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