Christmas was amazing. Its always so hard to figure out how to go and see everyone and do all the family gatherings that occur for Christmas. So, Chris and I decided to have our own little family Christmas morning a day early - On Christmas Eve morning. I explained to the kids that I had written Santa and asked him to come early, and since the kids have been so good this year and my sugar cookies are THAT yummy, Santa agreed to come early ;) Then we did Christmas Eve night at my Aunt Judy's and then Christmas morning at my parents house and then Christmas lunch with Chris' family! BUSY but so so fun! Here is how our Christmas went in pictures.....
What we woke up to Christmas EVE morning. Looks like Santa came!! Kids first words were "ohhhh!" |
Looks like Santa can be a bit demanding..... |
Coltens words when he pulled out his very own chapstick "Ohhh!! I always wanted one of these!" |
The kids loved their stockings. Once Allie discovered there were lollipops in there, she was done for the morning! We practically had to force the girl to open presents! All she wanted was her "CAAANNNDYYY!" Chris and I had to cut her off after lollipop #13... seriously.... |
Checking out her really cool playhouse Gigi and Nana got her. |
Loving on her new doll! |
haha fixing to have to help Colten rip off the tag, look at his tongue! |
Love his excited expression! |
I love Allie's Lalaloopsy dolls! They are too cute! |
Just trying to get a Daddy and Colten picture and I get shot at ;) |
Santa brought Allie a pink pony!!! |
Family pic under our tree. <3 It was such a great morning. |
Christmas Eve! Allie with Gigi! |
Christmas Eve, Me and my cousin Kate. Before the annual card game of "Spoons" takes place. Which we play with forks, because we are dangerous like that.... I had battle wounds. |
Christmas morning at my parents!! GrandBob and Gigi had lots of presents for the kiddos (and me!) |
5 years ago on that same day he got down on one knee and proposed in that EXACT same spot. And on that day too, I was also in my pjs. So glad I said "Yes!" It was the easiest and greatest decision of my life, look where's it gotten me <3
And dancing Christmas night away in Quihi, TX! (With some very special friends!) |
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